Sandy Harbor Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Sandy Harbor VFD Fire Hall

March 7, 2020


Keith Woody, President called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  


The minutes of the October 5, 2019 Board of Directors meeting were presented by Judy Hindelang, Secretary.  There was a motion to approve the minutes.  It was seconded & approved.


The Financial Report was presented by Chris Baumgartner, Treasurer.

Quarterly Report:

As of  March 1, 2020:

Income:  $30,498.98 (primarily from dues)

Operating Expenses:  $12,762.59

Net Income:  $17,736.29

Chris said that Dues Assessment Invoices went out this week.  Due date is  April 1, 2020.  Call Chris Baumgartner or Linda Yarbrough if you have a dispute with your invoice.  There were questions & discussion from the               floor regarding our budget.  There was a motion to accept the financial         report as read.  It was seconded & approved. 


Doug Hindelang, President of the SHVFD updated us on what’s been happening in the SHVFD.  The new addition to the building should be done by next week.  They are working with Corix to put in a bigger water hydrant in Park B which allow us to fill a truck in half the time.  That will go a long way to help us get better ratings so property owners insurance might go down.  The radios are going to be obsolete as of next year so they have applied for a grant with FEMA to replace the radios.  They still have smoke alarms for free and the fire department will install them.  Doug congratulated Susan Gonzalez who was named Firefighter of the Year.  They will be sending out a request for donations in the next 60 days.  They got a grant for $15,000 for new PPE for 7 firefighters.  Training takes place once a month.  There was discussion about the burn pile usage.  It is only for Sandy Harbor property owners not for outside contractors who come in & trim trees.


Linda Crosby, Architectural Committee Chairwoman, said they continue to move forward.  We have so much growth & so many things going on.  There are 4 homes in process right now.  Linda announced that John Robson is taking over as Chair of the architectural committee.  She will remain on the committee and as Vice President. The Architectural Committee is made up of Linda Crosby, Ed Duckworth, Rod Baumgartner, Leon Melde & John Robson, new Chairman.


Rod Baumgartner, Committee Chairman updated us on what the Road Maintenance Committee is doing.  Rod said there are some roads that are going to need grading in the near future.  He mentioned a survey needs to be done.  There were questions & discussion from the floor. A motion was made to do a cost assessment on how much it will take to do a survey.  It was seconded.


Park Repairs & Maintenance Committee had a clean up the parks day.  There             was great participation and the parks look good.  The board approved a $2500 budget to repair that triangular piece of concrete next to the ramp that was collapsing.  There was discussion about a shelf that sticks out from under the repair.  There was concern that it could do serious damage to a boat.  There were suggestions on how to fix that.


Keith Woody announced the board will be reviewing by-laws to update them.  When finished, we’ll be presenting them for review and vote sometime in the future.  The next scheduled board of directors meeting is April 18, 2020.


Rod Baumgartner updated us on the recent dredging per a request from the floor.  It should be 8 or 9 feet deep now.  They found lots of debris & removed it.



Soc Gonzalez mentioned all the wildlife we’re seeing now – pelicans, American bald eagles, and swans. 


There was praise from the floor on how Soc is keeping our community clean by picking up trash from the sides of the road.  There was discussion about announcing via email when Soc will be doing quarterly pick-up so people can help. 


Keith Woody mentioned that new property owners can get mail delivered by notifying the post office in person of their address.  There was discussion on how much easier it is to get mail delivery to new homes now. 


Keith Woody noted that Cameron Krog, Rod Baumgartner, Mark Kohutek, Charles Olfers, and Richard Fischer did an excellent job on the recent dredging.  All their efforts have benefited the whole community. 

A request was made from the floor for the minutes to be put on the website.  Keith Woody said we were updating the website and getting another webmaster and plan to start doing that again.


Keith Woody mentioned we will be voting for 6 seats on the board at the June  27, 2020 meeting.  He asked that we all start talking to neighbors about        putting their name on the ballot for the next board election.  They just need to let a board member know that they’re interest in being on the board.


    The meeting was adjourned by Keith Woody, President.


    Respectfully submitted,

   Judy Hindelang, Secretary